Safety, Quality, and Risk Management Software for Healthcare
Cloud-based enterprise software for employee and patient safety, clinical quality, compliance, and risk. SafeQual provides healthcare leaders the ability to effectively pursue zero patient and staff harm across their entire care delivery system.
Is supported through a built-in algorithm that guides leaders to a systems-approach and non-punitive response to adverse events and errors to pursue zero patient harm.
Allow seamless workflows, enable automation to increase efficiency, improve data accuracy and boost user productivity by eliminating redundant manual data entry.
Encourages staff participation, enables departments to collaborate better and promotes adherence to your healthcare system’s safety and quality goals.
Replace outdated software and position all of your facilities to work more productively toward clinical improvement and safety culture goals.
Healthcare systems, large and small, struggling to meet regulatory changes, improve ratings and regain community trust, are opting to replace outdated software to embrace innovative technology to help them improve safety, quality and reduce risk. SafeQual’s Al driven workflows and user interfaces engage more people collaboratively and with better data, encouraging participation and allowing employees to focus their attention and effort on patient safety.
Gain greater productivity and accountability when all of your departments seamlessly collaborate through Al integrated workflows and organized data.
SafeQual software provides automation to streamline the work, data, and communication necessary to integrate all of the departments and staff responsible for investigating error, facilitating correction and ensuring prioritization of patient safety and quality efforts within your facility and across your system locations.
High Reliability Organizations (HRO)
High-reliability organizations (HRO) in healthcare are defined as those that operate in complex, high-hazard situations for extended periods while managing to avoid serious failures. Hospitals can make substantial progress toward high reliability by undertaking several specific organizational change initiatives. Further research and practical experience will be necessary to determine the validity and effectiveness of this framework for high-reliability healthcare.
Sensitivity To Operations
Preoccupation With Failure
Commitment to Resilience
Reluctance to Simplify
Deference to Expertise
Achieving Zero Patient Harm
SafeQual connects processes, data and people, working to make healthcare safer, in purposeful workflows that share corrective action progress being made as a result of their reporting efforts.
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A cloud-based software for safety, quality, and risk provides leaders the ability to effectively pursue zero patient and employee harm across their entire care delivery system.